85103540 Hood Wing-42quot; x 10 1/2quot; - Dress up your hood with a polished stainless steel,wing. Drilling of hood required. All hardware included. Vendor: Dieter's/ Universal Hood Size, Dieters DMFDUA040/
83176249 3ft. White CB Antenna-Volvo Truck 3ft. white CB antenna with a Road Choice tip. 83176249/ Volvo Truck 3ft. white CB antenna 83176249 / Road Choice Tip / RC ANT3RCW
83176248 3ft. Black CB Antenna-Volvo Truck 3ft. black CB antenna with a road choice tip. 83176248/ Volvo Truck 3ft. black CB antenna 83176248 / Road Choice Tip / RC ANT3RCBLK